Live streams M/W/F evenings. 1/1 Bounty = $470 Break Credit; Bat Knob Bounty = $680 Break Credit. Next Stream March 26th @ 6:30pm EST

Rhody Rewards/Bounties

Rhody Rewards

  • Earn break credit by purchasing any break spot from our website
  • Earn credit basis your rewards tier which is based on lifetime spending
  • Break credit automatically added to your account after your order is processed.
  • You must be logged into your account upon checkout to receive your credit and to utilize prior rewards credit.

The breakdown of the tiers are as follows: 

All-Star: 1% back in break credit with every purchase

MVP: 1.5% back in break credit with every purchase

Hall of Famer: 2% back in break credit with every purchase

The break credit does not have monetary value and can only be used on our website ( for purchase of break spots, personals, filler bucks, etc.  The credit is not redeemable in the shop.  You can find your loyalty code to use credit at checkout when logged in on our website using the green widget button or in your account summary.  There is also an apply break credit button that pops up when viewing your cart that can be utilized. 

Referral Bonus

Each user on our website will have their own unique referral link they can send to friends so they can sign up on the site.  Upon a successful purchase by the referred user, the referrer will receive 10% of the new user's first order in break credit while the referred person will receive 5% off their total order price at checkout and 5% back in break credit for future breaks. Break credit holds no cash value and is not redeemable in the shop. You can find your personal referral link when logged in on our website using the green widget button.  


The '1 of 1 Bounty' will start at $50 break credit and will increase by $15 every break in which a 1 of 1 card is not hit.  Not all breaks are eligible for the bounty. Descriptions for each break on the website will provide information on whether or not each individual break qualifies. If multiple qualifying 1 of 1s are hit in one break the pool will be evenly split amongst those that hit those cards.  If a 1/1 is hit on a card with multiple players, the bounty will go to the person that wins the card in the randomization. Order of breaks on any given night is determined by the breakers that night.  Printing plates are not eligible for the bounty and for a card to qualify it must be numbered “1/1” or “One of One” on the card.  Upon hitting the bounty you will receive break credit in your account, this is only redeemable on the website and has no cash value.  The following text can be found in each break description on our website to determine if a break is part of the bounty or not: 

**This break DOES qualify for the 1/1 bounty pool**
**This break DOES NOT qualify for the 1/1 bounty pool**

From time to time, we may run break credit bounties for certain products which have unique chases, i.e. bat knob bounty.  The same rules apply for these bounties and the on-screen breaks will clearly indicate the amount of the bounty and what card needs to be hit.